Free Courses
U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $751,203 grant to the University of Puerto Rico at Carolina (UPR Carolina), to support development of the tourism sectors in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This grant is funded by the American Rescue Plan.
The investment will allow UPR Carolina’s School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration to offer in-person instruction, online learning, hybrid training, and workforce development in the food and hospitality sectors for students in Puerto Rico and from the U.S. Virgin Islands. This EDA investment will be matched with $185,752 in local funds.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Octuber 31, 2022 to December 2, 2022
Session Closed
Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic I
Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in…
Sign Language applied to Tourism I
Description of the Workshop: Introduce the student to the basic concepts of sign language, so that he can establish a simple communication with…
29 de Noviembre de 2022 al 21 de Diciembre de 2022
Session Closed
How Public Relations Strengthens Hospitality
Descripción del Taller: El uso de las relaciones públicas como herramienta para trabajar la hospitalidad. Las relaciones públicas, es el proceso de comunicación…
How to Prepare the Company in Moments of Crisis Caused by an Emergency
Description of the Workshop: The tourism sector is made up of over 17 industries, which are greatly affected during a crisis caused by a…
Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic I
Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in…
Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic II
Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in…
Emergency, Effective Communication in Social Networks
Workshop Description: The exchange of communication between a company and its audiences is essential in emergency situations. Social networks are…
January 17, 2023 to February 22, 2023
Session Closed
How to Prepare the Company in Moments of Crisis Caused by an Emergency
Description of the Workshop: The tourism sector is made up of over 17 industries, which are greatly affected during a crisis caused by a…
Basic Concepts of Nutrition for Cooks in the Food and Beverage Industry.
Description of the Workshop: In general, the certification provides for the student to acquire a broad overview of…
Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic I
Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in…
Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Intermediate I
Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in…
Excel - Basic
Workshop Description: Introductory course to the Microsoft Excel program. In this course you will learn the concepts and tools of the spreadsheet program…
Sign Language applied to Tourism I
Description of the Workshop: Introduce the student to the basic concepts of sign language, so that he can establish a simple communication with…
Sign Language applied to Tourism II
Workshop Description: The course is focused on conversational development in Sign Language. The student will be able to establish and follow a…
MS Word - Basic
Workshop Description: Introductory course to the Microsoft Word program. In this course you will learn the concepts and tools of the processing program of…
Strategic Marketing Plan in Social Networks
Workshop Description: This workshop explains the steps for strategic marketing planning in social networks and what essential components the…
PowerPoint - Basic
Workshop Description: Introductory course to the Microsoft PowerPoint program. In this course you will learn the concepts and tools of the program used to perform…
General Principles of Safe Handling and Food Safety
Workshop Description: This course aims to teach about food hygiene throughout the handling cycle, from purchase to...
FEBRUARY 21, 2023 to MARCH 24, 2023
Session Closed
Basic Concepts of Nutrition for Cooks in the Food and Beverage Industry.
Description of the Workshop: In general, the certification provides for the student to acquire a broad overview of…
Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic II
Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in…
Events Coordination
Description of the Workshop: *Soon* General Objective *Soon* Distribution of Thematic Content *Soon* Bibliographical References *Soon*
Basic Purchasing Skills for Managers and Managers in the Food and Beverage Industry
Description of the Workshop: In general, the certification provides for the student to acquire a broad overview of…
Emergency, Effective Communication in Social Networks
Workshop Description: The exchange of communication between a company and its audiences is essential in emergency situations. Social networks are…
Excel - Basic
Workshop Description: Introductory course to the Microsoft Excel program. In this course you will learn the concepts and tools of the spreadsheet program…
MS Word - Basic
Workshop Description: Introductory course to the Microsoft Word program. In this course you will learn the concepts and tools of the processing program of…
Strategic Marketing Plan in Social Networks
Workshop Description: This workshop explains the steps for strategic marketing planning in social networks and what essential components the…
PowerPoint - Basic
Workshop Description: Introductory course to the Microsoft PowerPoint program. In this course you will learn the concepts and tools of the program used to perform…
17 de ABRIL de 2023 al 18 de MAYO de 2023
Session Closed
Capacitación para Intervenir con personas Intoxicadas con Alcohol TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures)
Descripción del Taller: Pronto Objetivo General Pronto Distribución de Contenido Temático Pronto Estrategias Educacionales Pronto Procedimientos del Taller Pronto Referencias Bibliográgicas Pronto
How Public Relations Strengthens Hospitality
Descripción del Taller: El uso de las relaciones públicas como herramienta para trabajar la hospitalidad. Las relaciones públicas, es el proceso de comunicación…
Conducta del Consumidor en las Redes Sociales
Descripción del Taller: Este taller explica en detalle la conducta del consumidor en línea, sus características, preferencias, y manera en que consume…
Conversational English Applied to Tourism (Basic II)
Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in…
Excel Intermedio
Descripción del Taller: Curso introductorio al programa Microsoft Outlook. En este curso se aprenderá a utilizar el servicio de mensajería electrónica, utilizando la…
Microsoft Teams
Descripción del Taller: El curso incluye el estudio de las diferentes opciones disponibles en Teams. Estructurado en un orden que le permitirá aprender…
MS Word Intermedio
Descripción del Taller: El curso de Microsoft Word Intermedio está diseñado para que los participantes puedan ampliar sus conocimientos en el procesador de…
11 de Septiembre de 2023
* Lista de Cursos *
Basic Concepts of Nutrition for Cooks in the Food and Beverage Industry.
Description of the Workshop: In general, the certification provides for the student to acquire a broad overview of…
Basic Purchasing Skills for Managers and Managers in the Food and Beverage Industry
Description of the Workshop: In general, the certification provides for the student to acquire a broad overview of…
Excel - Basic
Workshop Description: Introductory course to the Microsoft Excel program. In this course you will learn the concepts and tools of the spreadsheet program…
Microsoft Outlook
Descripción del Taller: Curso introductorio al programa Microsoft Outlook. En este curso se aprenderá a utilizar el servicio de mensajería electrónica, utilizando la…
MS Word - Basic
Workshop Description: Introductory course to the Microsoft Word program. In this course you will learn the concepts and tools of the processing program of…
Strategic Marketing Plan in Social Networks
Workshop Description: This workshop explains the steps for strategic marketing planning in social networks and what essential components the…
12 de OCTUbre de 2023
* Lista de Cursos *
MS Word Intermedio
Descripción del Taller: El curso de Microsoft Word Intermedio está diseñado para que los participantes puedan ampliar sus conocimientos en el procesador de…
Excel Intermedio
Descripción del Taller: Curso introductorio al programa Microsoft Outlook. En este curso se aprenderá a utilizar el servicio de mensajería electrónica, utilizando la…
Confección de Masas Dulces y Saladas
Descripción del Taller: Esta certificación pretende desarrollar el interés y las destrezas básicas para la confección de masas dulces y saladas. Incluye identificar…
Repostería I
Descripción del Taller: Esta certificación pretende desarrollar el interés y las destrezas básicas en la preparación de productos de repostería. Incluye identificar los…
Panadería I
Descripción del Taller: Esta certificación pretende desarrollar el interés y las destrezas básicas para la confección de masas de panes sencillos y rápidos….