Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic II
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Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic II

Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in spoken English. Special emphasis will be placed on grammar, syntax, pronunciation, vocabulary, listening and speaking skills to facilitate effective communication between hotel workers, UPRCA school of Hotel and Restaurant Management majors and…

Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic I
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Conversational English for the Restaurant Management Industry Basic I

Workshop Description: This non-credit course is designed to help students and Hotel and Restaurant industry workers increase their self-confidence, fluency and accuracy in spoken English. Special emphasis will be placed on grammar, syntax, pronunciation, vocabulary, listening and speaking skills to facilitate effective communication between hotel workers, UPRCA school of Hotel and Restaurant Management majors and…

Cómo Preparar la Empresa en Momentos de Crisis Provocada por una Emergencia

How to Prepare the Company in Moments of Crisis Caused by an Emergency

Workshop Description: The tourism sector is made up of over 17 industries, which are greatly affected during a crisis caused by an emergency, and are usually among the first to recover, if they are prepared. The speed of recovery of a company - large or small - depends on the level of training of its managers...

Plan Estratégico de Mercadeo en Redes Sociales
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Strategic Marketing Plan in Social Networks

Descripción del Taller: Este taller explica los pasos para la planificación estratégica de mercadeo en las redes sociales y cuales componentes esenciales la forman. Objetivo General Se espera que al finalizar este curso el estudiante tendrá basto conocimiento en: Distribución de Contenido Temático Estrategias Educacionales El curso se dividirá en: Procedimiento en el Taller Como…

Conducta del Consumidor Social

Conducta del Consumidor Social

Descripción del Taller: Este taller explica en detalle la conducta del consumidor en línea, sus características, preferencias, y manera en que consume el contenido en línea. Además, describe las cuatro zonas de “social media”, compara las plataformas sociales y la participación de cada plataforma en cada una de las zonas. Objetivo General Se espera que…

Universidad de Puerto Rico en Carolina Ofrece una Veintena de Cursos Cortos Libre de Costo en el Área de Administración de Hoteles y Restaurantes

University of Puerto Rico in Carolina Offers Twenty Free Short Courses in the Area of ​​Hotel and Restaurant Management

Carolina, Puerto Rico- The School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration (School) of the University of Puerto Rico in Carolina (UPRCa), offers short courses under the proposal with federal funds from the Department of Economic Development (“EDA”), with the in order to promote the economic development of the Caribbean. This important project represents an excellent alternative for…

Lenguaje de Señas aplicado al Turismo II

Sign Language applied to Tourism II

Descripción del Taller: El curso está enfocado en el desarrollo conversacional en Lenguaje de señas. El estudiante    podrá establecer y seguir una conversación a un nivel intermedio. Adquirirá conocimiento de las diferencias dialectales que existen entre el lenguaje de señas de Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico.  Objetivo General Al concluir el curso el estudiante:…