Academic Counseling

The academic counseling component is an integral part of the educational experience since its objective is to:

  • encourage motivation in students in the process of self-reflection so that they can identify the courses that support their interests, skills and abilities.
  • support and advise the students of the "Caribbean Hospitality Academy" on the courses to take so that they can get the most benefit from the courses offered. 
  • help inform course decisions so they are consistent with career and vocational goals.
  • Identify and support participants who are at risk of leaving the program. 
  • be the link with academic programs of the University of Puerto Rico.

How to contact me?

The process is easy… write me at requesting an appointment. It will be via TEAMS. When writing to me, I would appreciate if you could offer me two (2) meeting alternatives.

A continuación encontrarás información que te ayudará en tu proceso de aprendizaje. Te recomiendo que leas cada una de las mismas.