
General Principles of Safe Handling and Food Safety

Workshop Description:

This course aims to teach about food hygiene throughout the handling cycle, from purchase to service. Awareness of the importance of cleaning and maintenance is created, both of the equipment and the preparation and service areas.

General Objective

It is expected that, at the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify the importance of safe food handling in the Hospitality Industry.
  • List the responsibilities of a manager or person in charge of a food and beverage establishment.
  • Mention the biological hazards that can harm food.
  • Evaluate the food hygiene cycle from purchase to service.
  • Evaluate cleaning protocols in food and beverage facilities.

Thematic Content Distribution

Day 1:

  • Course objectives
  • Food code
  • Food contamination
  • Safe Food Handling

Day 2:

  • The journey of food and the monitoring of time and temperature.
  • Purchase, reception and storage.
  • Prepare, cool and reheat food.

Day 3:

  • Maintenance and food service.
  • Guidelines for waiters in hygiene when serving.
  • Food safety management systems.

Day 4:

  • Equipment Cleaning
  • Physical facilities
  • Department of Health, inspections and procedures
  • Food Defense System A.L.E.R.T.

Day 5:

  • ServSafe Review and Quiz

Bibliographical References