The Caribbean Hospitality CARES Academy


The School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration of the UPR in Carolina, will be offering short courses, under the proposal approved by the "Economic Development Administration" (EDA), in order to accelerate economic development in the region.

Pre-registration for the courses:

For Information:

(787) 257-0000 Ext. 4710

Repostería I

Repostería I

Descripción del Taller: Esta certificación pretende desarrollar el interés y las destrezas básicas en la preparación de productos de repostería.  Incluye…

Dates of Future Sessions:


U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $751,203 grant to the University of Puerto Rico at Carolina (UPR Carolina), to support development of the tourism sectors in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This grant is funded by the American Rescue Plan.

The investment will allow UPR Carolina’s School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration to offer in-person instruction, online learning, hybrid training, and workforce development in the food and hospitality sectors for students in Puerto Rico and from the U.S. Virgin Islands. This EDA investment will be matched with $185,752 in local funds.

The travel and tourism sectors are critical economic drivers for many communities and the Economic Development Administration is pleased to support community-led strategies to boost these important industries and build a better America. This grant will ultimately help sustain and evolve the tourism industry post-pandemic and build economic resiliency.
Alejandra Y. Castillo
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development

Reference: U.S. Department of Commerce Invests $751,203 in American Rescue Plan Funds to Support Tourism Development in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

Wide and varied curriculum, which contains courses aimed at the areas of emphasis

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The first institution to offer university degrees in Hotel Management and Food and Beverage Operations Management on the Island.

It is also the first to be accredited in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean by the prestigious Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA).