Blog: Mapa de Activos de la UPR

¡Gracias por nominar sus activos de resiliencia y sostenibilidad!
The UPR DRC Team is happy to share that thanks to you, we received over 150 assets from all campuses and units related to resilience and sustainability topics. This was an essential initial stage to…

¿Tienes preguntas sobre el RFI de Resiliencia y Sostenibilidad? ¡Asómate a estos FAQs!
May 2022 As we mentioned in our last blog post, the UPR Asset Map aims to efficiently insert the UPR System into the disaster recovery efforts underway in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricanes…

Activos de resiliencia de la UPR: Fortaleciendo la respuesta y recuperación de desastre en Puerto Rico
About the Map Have you ever wanted to connect with a specific subject matter expert resource, specialized equipment, research or community outreach project in the UPR System? Have you found it difficult to do se?…

¡Pongamos los activos de resiliencia de la UPR en el mapa!
We know that all the UPR campuses have countless assets that contribute to the resilience of the UPR System, the country, the region and the world. The time has come to put them on the…

ArcGIS Update!
By: UPR Disaster Recovery Coordinators January 2022 In our December 2021 blog post, we dove into the details of the ArcGIS platform that the UPR System has now access to and how it can support…

ArcGIS: Una poderosa herramienta para la visibilidad de los activos y la colaboración en el Sistema UPR
In our previous blog we told you about the UPR Asset Mapping Project and the importance of providing visibility and easy access to the countless assets that the UPR System has. Now, how are we going to do it?