Oficina de Propiedad Intelectual y Transferencia de Tecnologías

Pre-Agreement Information Disclosure Form

University of Puerto Rico partners with multiple universities and organizations around the world for activities that strengthen our educational system, increase our commercialization opportunities, and provide research collaborations.  In order to formalize and standardize these relationships, it is necessary to complete several procedures including the present Form.  The Pre-Agreement Information Disclosure Form was created in order to provide guidance, understand the expected agreement, and facilitate the procedure.  Further, it helps to understand and to identify the intellectual property developed by the parties.

Information about the person filling this request:

Are you at least one of the following?
Is there any previous agreement with the Company? *
What type of agreement is expected (if known)? *
Does the agreement require acquiring (free of charge), buying, renting, exchanging, or selling EQUIPMENT between the parties? *
Does the agreement require and UPR Employee, UPR Faculty Member or UPR Student Payment? *
Does the agreement require acquiring (free of charge), buying, renting, exchanging, or selling MATERIALS between the parties? *
Is there any grant related to the new agreement? *
Is there any intellectual property (patents, secret, software, copyright, trademarks) agreement with the company? *
Is there any patent or patent application related to the new agreement? *