El objetivo principal de esta mentoría es sostener una “conversación” virtual de forma directa entre estudiantes e investigadores que laboran en diversos campos de estudio fuera de UPR Cayey, para desarrollar la destreza de establecer redes relacionadas a oportunidades de investigación (research networking).



La Guía de Mentoría Virtual del Programa Innovative Programs to Enhance Research Training (UPR-IPERT) incluye recursos valiosos para identificar mentores y mentoras virtuales a través de Ciencia Puerto Rico, MyMentor – National Research Mentoring Network y el Instituto de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias.



A continuación, encontrarás varias recomendaciones para contactarlos:

1. Puedes profundizar sobre alguno de los siguientes temas:

a. Intereses de investigación y estudios

b. Actividades (conferencias, etc.)

c. Internados de verano

d. Escuela Graduada

e. Becas

f. Sub-áreas de estudio

2. Debes contactar al mentor o mentora aproximadamente 3 veces al semestre

3. Puedes contactar a más de un mentor virtual por semestre

4. Incluimos un modelo para el primer e-mail


Soy estudiante de tercer año en el área de Biología en la UPR Cayey. Actualmente participo en el Programa Building Research Infrastructure and Capacity (BRIC) y soy Asistente de Investigación en el proyecto del Dr. NOMBRE DE TU MENTOR EN UPR CAYEY sobre TEMA O TÍTULO DEL PROYECTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN. Debido a que planifico graduarme dentro de dos años, me interesa orientarme sobre las oportunidades de investigación a nivel graduado en su universidad. Mis intereses incluyen las áreas de INDICAR TEMAS O CAMPOS DE INTERÉS (EJEMPLOS: SEXUALIDAD, NEUROCIENCIA, ECOLOGÍA, VIOLENCIA HACIA JÓVENES)


Nombre de estudiante

Universidad de Puerto Rico en Cayey

Departamento de [nombre del departamento]



I’m a [# YEAR] year student, pursuing a BA degree in the area of [AREA] at the University of Puerto Rico, Cayey campus.  Currently, I participate at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research as a Research Assistant in the project directed by Dr. [NAME] titled: [TITLE].  I am interested in opportunities for graduate research at the University [UNIVERSITY NAME]. My interests include the areas of: [AREAS OF INTEREST]. I would be very grateful if I could receive any orientation and information about the areas of interest I stated and about your research fields such as: [AREAS OF INTEREST OF RESEARCHER].

I hope to hear from you soon.



University of Puerto Rico at Cayey





Listado de Mentores Virtuales

Abel J. Baerga Ortizabel.baerga@upr.eduBiochemistryFatty acid biosynthesis, biologically derived fuels, natural products of bacterial originDepartment of Biochemistry, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus
Aixa Alemán Díazaixa.maricelis@gmail.comAnthropologyTesis: ¿Qué es la Costa?: Percepciones y Prácticas de Individuos, Grupos e Instituciones en el Proceso de Manejo Ambiental en Puerto Rico (región suroeste) Cualitativa/etnográfica Trabajo interdisciplinarioAmerican University, Washington DC –Estudiante Doctoral
Rutgers University-Maestría -Mayo 2010
National Science Foundation Fellow -GRF
Amanda Marie James, PhDBiochemistry; Clinical PharmacologyDetecting isoforms of microRNA quantitated with a novel PCR method to distinguish patients with cardiovascular diseaseEmory University School of Medicine (Dept of Biochemistry),
Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Division of Cardiology),
Emory University Laney Graduate School (Initiative to Maximize Student Development)
Annelyn Torres Reverónanntorres@psm.eduNeuroscienceSex differences on behavior; Ovarian hormone influences on hippocampal neuropeptide systemsCiencia PR Member
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology
Dept. of Psychology
Ponce School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Carlos E. Rodríguez-Díazcarlos.rodriguez64@upr.eduPublic Health, Health behaviorsSexual health, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, correctional health care, health policyUniversity of Puerto Rico – Medical Sciences Campus – School of Public Health
Carlos G. García-Quijanocgarciaquijano@gmail.com, carlos.garcia14@upr.eduAnthropology, Human Ecology, Environmental AnthropologyCoastal Anthropology, Fisheries, SustainabilityAssistant Professor, Sociology & Anthropology, The University of Rhode Island
Carlos J. Rodríguez Sierracarlos.rodriguez65@upr.eduEnvironmental ToxicologyExposure assessment to contaminants; Health risk assessment; Determining pollutant levels in the environmentDepartment of Environmental Health, Graduate School of Public Health, Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico
Carlos Ríos-Velázquez, PhDcarlos.rios5@upr.eduMicrobiology, Biotechnology, Molecular GeneticsMicrobial Biotechnology and Bioprospecting, Metagenomics, Combinatorial Chemistry, GeoMicrobiologyUniversity of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Associate Professor

Principal Investigator

Microbial Biotechnology and Bioprospecting Laboratory B-266, Biology Department


Coordinator- Industrial Biotechnology Program

Coordinator- PR-LSAMP Mentoring Program in Science UPR-M
Darah E. Fontánez Nuindarah.fontanez@upr.eduCiencias BiomédicasCiencia PR Member


Allied Health Studies Department University of Puerto Rico in Ponce

Research Assistant in Biomedical Sciences

Ponce School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Physiology and Pharmacology Department
Deborah Parrilla Hernándezdebparrilla@gmail.comMarine Biology, Biología Marina CostaneraMonitoreo a largo plazo de ecosistemas tropicales: manglares y arrecifes

Estudio de poblaciones del cangrejo violinista: Uca spp. en diferentes sustratos

Influencia de los ecosistemas en el desarrollo sostenible de poblaciones costeras
UPR Humacao
Diano F. Marrone, PhDdmarrone@wlu.caNeuroscienceLearning and memory, aging, synaptic plasticity, behavioral genetics, neurophysiologyAssistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Wilfrid Laurier University
Dipak K. Banerjee, Ph.D.dipak.banerjee@upr.eduBiochemistryGlycoprotein Glycobiology, regulatory biochemistry, Cell biology of capillary endothelial cells, protein structure and function, angiogenesis and breast cancer, nanotechnology, etc.Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico
Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan
Elithet Silva Martínez, PhD, MSWelithet_silva@yahoo.comSocial WorkViolence against women, migrant populations, multicultural practice in social work, economic empowerment and intimate partner violence, ethnographic and womanist/mujerista researchEscuela Graduada de Trabajo Social Beatriz Lassalle

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras

Faculty Affiliate Center on Violence Against Women & Children, Rutgers, School of Social Work
Enrique M. De La Cruz, Ph.D.enrique.delacruz@yale.eduMolecular Biophysics and BiochemistryCytoskeleton, actin filaments, myosin, motor proteins, RNA helicases
Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Yale University, MB&B
Erin C. McKiernanErin.McKiernan@asu.eduPhysiology, Neuroscience, Mathematical BiologyNeurophysiology, electrophysiology (learning and memory, synaptic plasticity, motor pattern generation, ion channels, cellular excitability). Theoretical physiology (mathematical models of excitable cells and networks, neu-rons as dynamical systems, bifurcation structure underlying bursting). Evolutionary biology and psychology (evolutionary models of learning). Epidemiology (history of pandemics, global vaccine supply and demand, mathematical models of disease).Arizona State University, Mathematical, Computational, and Modeling Sciences Center, Tempe, AZ, USA.
Fernando Rosario-Ortiz, D.Env.fernando.rosario@colorado.edu
Environmental Engineering/ChemistryTransport of Organic contaminants
Oxidation process in water treatment
Assistant Professor

Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

University of Colorado at Boulder
Heidi Morales DíazHeidi.MoralesDiaz@vib-kuleuven.beResearch ScientistDevelopmental biology, molecular evolution, congenital diseases, alternative animal modelsVersalius Research Center

Katholiek Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Ciencia PR Member

Currently post doc in Developmental Biology (Grad studies in Comparative Immunology)
Imar Mansilla-Riveraimar.mansilla@upr.eduEnvironmental HealthHuman exposure assessment of chemical pollutants and health effects; human health risk assessment; chemical characterization of environmental pollutantsDepartment of Environmental Health, Graduate School of Public Health; Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico
Jaime E Ramírez-Vick, PhDjvick@ece.uprm.edu, jaime.ramirez@ece.uprm.eduBioengineeringRegenerative Medicine (Stem Cells), Nanomedicine, Biosensors, Computational BiologyProfessor, University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez, Engineering Science & Materials Department
Jan O. Mangualjmangual@dicea.unifi.itChemical Engineering
B.S. en ingeniera química (Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez), PhD en ingeniera química con subespecialidad en bioingeniería (University of South Carolina)
Está haciendo un Post Doctoral Whitaker Scholar, Università di Firenze (Italia) en el área de ingeniería cardiovascular

Currently: Cardiovascular Fluid and Tissue Mechanics, Non invasive cardiac imaging and Numerical Modeling.

Previously: Drug Targeting, Magnetic Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
Post Doctoral Whitaker Scholar

Università di Firenze
University of Florence, Florence Italy

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Miembro licenciado del Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores de PR.

Ciencia PR Member
José Seguinot Barbosajose.seguinot@upr.eduGeography-Environmental Health and LawMedical Geography, Climate Change, Sustainable development, LawProfessor, Department of Environmental Health, Medical Sciences Campus, UPR
Julio Cammarotajulioc@email.arizona.eduAnthropologyEducation, Race, and YouthThe University of Arizona, Mexican American Studies
Lisandra Santiago-Capelesls58@buffalo.edu, lisandra.santiago@gmail.comPh.D. Candidate
Analytical Chemistry
Bioanalytical Chemistry; Separation Science (high performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrochromatography); Mass spectrometry (analysis of complex mixtures such as proteins and peptides and environmental samples); Proteomics; Metabolomics;  Sol-gel synthesis of Inorganic/Organic chromatography materials and stationary phases.Department of Chemistry University at Buffalo The State University of New York
Luis A. Colónlacolon@buffalo.eduChemistryResearch interests include: micro/nano-chemical analysis, capillary electrophoresis and electrochromatography, liquid chromatography, chromatographic stationary phases/materials, bioanalytical chemistry, drug analysis in biological fluids
Bioanalytical chemistry, materials, nanotechnology, bioanalysis, environmental chemistry, underrepresented groups in science and engineering fields
Professor and Chair

Department of Chemistry

Natural Science Complex

University at Buffalo
Marco Herrera Valdezmahv13@gmail.comFisiología y matemáticas aplicadasEstudio de sistemas complejos en epidemiología y fisiología a partir de principios fundamentales de física

•Fisiología celular y de sistemas. Neurofisiología de memoria y aprendizaje, excitabilidad celular, regulación de glucosa, insulina, y grasa en el torrente sanguíneo, conducción eléctrica en tejidos excitables (neuronas, corazón, páncreas, y otros tejidos).

•Epidemiología de enfermedades infecciosas.

•Sistemas complejos en biología
Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, México
Marcos Lópezmarcoslopez@fcv.orgBiological ChemistryBiochemistry, Biological Chemistry, Biophysics, Cancer Research, Cardiovascular Biology, Chemistry, Drug Discovery, Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology, SpectroscopyBiochemistry, Biological Chemistry, Biophysics, Cancer Research, Cardiovascular Biology, Chemistry, Drug Discovery, Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology, Spectroscopy

In terms of my project I am particularly interested in studying the role of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation products in cardiovascular related pathologies. Currently in the Medical College of Wisconsin, we are working in developing novel mitochondria targeted compounds to detect superoxide in intracellulary and in intact mitochondria, to help overcoming the damage by lipid peroxidation derived polyunsaturated fatty acids products and to deliver nitric oxide. Besides all the bioorganic chemistry, I'm also very interested in unveiling the role of ROS or RNS in pathologies like preeclampsia.

My research is very interdisciplinary because I'm developing a whole array of mitochondrial targeted prodrugs for different applications. We are testing all this compounds in cells and tissue. To assess the effects of this new prodrugs we are using HPLC and MS techniques as well as EPR.
Post-Doc Fellow

Medical College of Wisconsin

Mentor at cienciapr.org

post doctoral research fellow at the Medical College of Wisconsin in the department of biophysics with Balaraman Kalyanaraman.
Marija Miricstella_mare@yahoo.comSocial Psychology / Public HealthPsychosocial aspects of health, community medicine, gender relations, maternal and child health, HIV and AIDS, social stigmaCentro Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Materno-Infantil Dr. Hugo Mendoza (CENISMI), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Marinilda Rivera Díazmarinilda75@gmail.comSocial Work/ Social Policy and AdministrationResearch field interests: Disparities in Mental Health Provision of Services, Children Mental Health Public Policy, Stigma and HIV/AIDS, Social Disparities and Migrant’s Health.University of Puerto Rico
Graduate School of Social Work, Center for the Study of Social Differences and Health
Maura Toro-Mornmitmorn@ilstu.eduSociología y AntropologíaMigración desde una perspectiva global, dimensiones de género, raza, etnicidad y clase en el análisis sobre migración en Chicago, Latinxs en Estados UnidosIllinois State University
Michelle J. Rivera-Riverayersiniamjr@hotmail.comSoil Microbial EcologySoil Microbial Ecology
UPR-RP Soil Microbial Ecology Doctoral Student

Department of Biology
Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus

Ciencia PR Member
Michelle Osuna Díazosuna_michelle@yahoo.comCommunity Social PsychologySocial stigma, gender roles, women´s studies, poverty, discrimination, marginalization, and drug use. Also, I would like to assist students who want to work in quantitative and qualitative methods in researchUPR Río Piedras Psychology Department
Nora Álvarez-BerríosAlvarez.nora@gmail.comEnvironmental Sciences
Geoinformatics and Geography
Human-environment interactions, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information SystemsDirector of Geoinformatics Division

Department of Natural Resources DRNA

Graduate Student, Environmental Sciences Graduate Program, Universitiy of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras Campus
Tania Huedo-Medinatania.huedo-medina@uconn.eduBiostatistics
1. Statistics applied to health and social sciences, more specifically, casual models, meta-analysis, among other specific topics.

2. Health promotion and prevention, some specific examples are, HIV, cancer, and obesity prevention, adherence to treatments, health behavior change.

3. Mental health, depression and anxiety.

4. Exercise, for example, exercise interventions to reduce blood pressure.
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics,

Department of Allied Health Sciences,

Statistics Department, Department of Community Medicine (School of Medicine), &

Center for Health, Intervention, and Prevention

University of Connecticut
Wilson González-Espadaw.gonzalez-espada@moreheadstate.eduScience Education, Science CommunicationScience Education, Science Communication, Qualitative Social Science Research, Quantitative Social Science ResearchDepartment of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics; College of Science and Technology; Morehead State University; Morehead, Kentucky