Título/Appointment: Catedrática Auxiliar
Departamento/Department: Inglés
Institución/Institution: UPR-Cayey
E-mail: patria.lopez1@upr.edu
Teléfono/Phone: (787) 738-2161, ext. 2742
Celular de la investigación/Research Phone: (787) 922-3394


Perfiles en línea/Online Profiles:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/plopezdvictoria/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4824-3290

Página de la investigación/Research web page: www.eraspr.org


Applied linguist at a four-year Hispanic serving institution researching topics of language, health, and ageing using mixed methodology approaches. I have served as director of the ERAS group (Estrategias y Redes de Aprendizaje en la Salud; www.eraspr.org), and I have mentored and supervised graduate and undergraduate students conducting interdisciplinary research work in the fields of public health, psychology, social work, sociology, biology, and the humanities.


Preparación Académica/Education:
Ph. D. Philosophy
Concentration in Applied Linguistics
Penn State University

B. A. Arts
Concentration in Comparative Literature
University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras


Áreas de investigación/Research interests:

    • Lenguaje/Language
    • Salud/Health
    • Adultos mayores/Older adults
    • Metodología mixta/Mixed methodology
    • Comunicación científica en salud/Scientific communication in health



    1. Cuéntame de María: Experiencias vividas post-desastres naturales/Tell me about María: Lived experiences post-natural disasters
    2. Resiliencia y búsqueda de ayuda por y para personas de edad avanzada/Resilience and helpseeking in health and illness by and for the elderly (Funding agency: NIH)
    3. Negotiating dementia care in rural networks of care in Puerto Rico (Funding agency: Alzheimer’s Association)


Publicaciones recientes/Recent publications:

    1. López de Victoria, P., González, E., & Colón, K. (2022). Responding to crisis, responding to needs: older adults seeking medical care in the aftermath of storms. In B.A. Diaz & R.W. Schrauf (Eds). Applying linguistics in health research, education, and policy: Bench to bedside and back again. De Gruyter Mouton.
    2. López de Victoria, P. (forthcoming). The language of mourning: Finding words for pain and loss. In L. Platón (Ed). Novenario.
    3. López de Victoria, P. (2021). Análisis de datos en el estudio de la resiliencia y búsqueda de ayuda por o para el adulto mayor. Webinar Ciencia PR.
    4. López de Victoria, P. (2020). Estrategias y herramientas para la lectura crítica de artículos científicos sobre la resiliencia y búsqueda de ayuda por o para el adulto mayor. Webinar Ciencia PR.
    5. López de Victoria, P. (2020). Metodologías para el estudio de la resiliencia y búsqueda de ayuda por y para personas de edad avanzada. Webinar Ciencia PR.



    1. Schrauf, R. & López de Victoria, P. (2021, Nov 19). Disaster Reconstruction as an Ethical Project: Hurricane María in Puerto Rico. Presented at the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Annual Hybrid Meeting in Baltimore, MD.
    2. López de Victoria, P. (2021, March 20-23). Talking about troubles as a strategy for mobilizing self and others: older women seeking medical attention in times of disaster. American Association for Applied Linguistics.
    3. Schrauf, R. & López de Victoria, P. (2021, March 20-23). Registers, repertoires, and ordinary ethics in response to Hurricane María. American Association for Applied Linguistics.
    4. Vélez, K. & López de Victoria, P. (2020, March 20-23). Shifting representations of self and others in caregiving elderly parents with Alzheimer’s after hurricane María. American Association for Applied Linguistics.
    5. López de Victoria, P., González, E. & Colón, K. (2020, Sept). Cambios a la organización de búsqueda de ayuda a tres años del huracán María. Presented online for the UPR Cayey Student Association of Sociology (Asociación de estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales UPR Cayey).
    6. Cruz, G. & López de Victoria, P., (PI) (2019, Nov 20-24). Bridging resources after a catastrophe: A case study on paramedics and their roles after hurricane María. Presented at the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CAS) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CA.
    7. González-Márquez, E., López de Victoria, P., (PI) (2019, Aug 29). Estrategias para el automanejo de condiciones de salud por el adulto mayor en Cayey (Strategies used by older adults post-Maria for the management of health conditions). Presented at the Conferencia de Gerontología y Geriatría hosted by the Puerto Rico Health Department.
    8. Cruz, G., Lugo, G, & López de Victoria P., (PI) (2019, May 2-4). What Maria brought: Changes in the 911 System in Cayey. Presented at the SANA/SUNTA Conference.
    9. Alvarez, A., Cardona, M., Colon, K., Cruz, G., De Jesús, V., Lugo, G., & López de Victoria, P., (PI). (2019). Resilience and medical helpseeking for and by the elderly. Presented at the Caribe Plurilingue Annual Conference in UPR Río Piedras.
    10. López de Victoria, P. (2019; April 3-5). Defining resilience from a woman’s health perspective: A look at health and life after hurricane María in Cayey, Puerto Rico. Presented at XII Coloquio Nacional Sobre las Mujeres.