Título/Appointment: Catedrática Asociada/Directora de Departamento (2022)
Departamento/Department: Matemática-Física
Institución/Institution: UPR-Cayey E-mail: maytee.cruz@upr.edu
Teléfono/Phone: (787) 738-2161, ext. 2236
As a researcher my work is related to mathematical models of life events such as the dynamic of metapopulation models of the spread of diseases. The topics of mathematical population and biological disease models interest me because it is a way to apply mathematics in real life situations that are important for our society, to protect the population form an epidemic, and to help governments wise decisions to eradicate (or mitigate the effect of) diseases. I worked on metapopulation models of infectious diseases such as avian influenza and chlamydia as well as tropical vector borne diseases such as a chikungunya and dengue. I am currently working on the impact of COVID-19 Mitigation Measurements and a metapopulation model of the spread of COVID-19 in the municipalities of Puerto Rico.
Áreas de Investigación/Research Interests:
Epidemiology, Mathematical Biology, Computational Mathematics, Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, Stochastic, Metapopulation models, Mathematical models.
Publicaciones/Publications: (undergraduate’s students*)
- Cruz-Aponte, M., and Caraballo-Cueto, J. (2021). “Balancing Fiscal and Mortality Impact of COVID-19 Mitigation Measurements”. Letters in Biomathematics 8 (1), 255–266. https://lettersinbiomath.journals.publicknowledgeproject.org/index.php/lib/article/view/457.
- Ertem, Z., Araz, O. M., and Cruz-Aponte, M. (2021). “A decision analytic approach for social distancing policies during early stages of COVID-19 pandemic.” Decision support systems, 113630. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2021.113630
- Araz, O.M., Cruz-Aponte, M., Wilson, F.A., Hanisch, B.W. and Margalit, R.S. (2021) “An Analytic Framework for Effective Public Health Program Design Using Correctional Facilities.” INFORMS Journal on Computing.
- Morales, D., Paredes, M., Morales-Butler, E.J., Cruz-Aponte, M., Arriola, L., Cevallos, V., Ponce, P. and Mubayi, A., (2019). “Data scarcity and ecological complexity: the cutaneous leishmaniasis dynamics in Ecuador.” Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(157), p.20190141.
- Cruz-Aponte, M. and Wirkus, S., (2016). “Kolmogorov equations applied to an SIS-coupled epidemiological model. Mathematical Scientist, 41(2).
- Cruz-Aponte, M. (2016). “Metapopulation and Non-proportional Vaccination Models Overview.” In Advances in the Mathematical Sciences (pp. 187-207). Springer, Cham.
- Pérez-Rivera, D.T.∗, Torres-Torres, V.L.∗, Torres-Colon, A.E.∗ and Cruz-Aponte, M., 2016. “Development of a computational model of glucose toxicity in the progression of diabetes mellitus.” Mathematical Biosciences Engineering, 13(5), p.1043.
- Cruz-Aponte, M., (2014) “Epidemic Dynamics of Metapopulation Models.” (Doctoral Dissertation) Arizona State University. 237 pp., http://hdl.handle.net/2286/R.I.21041
- Cruz-Aponte M., McKiernan E.C., and Herrera-Valdez M.A., (2011) “Mitigation effects of vaccination on influenza outbreaks given constraints in stockpile size and daily administration capacity.” BMC Infectious Diseases 11(1) 2011. doi:10.1186/1471-2334-11-207
- Herrera-Valdez, M.A., Cruz-Aponte, M., and Castillo-Chavez, C., (2011) “Multiple Outbreaks for the same pandemic: Local Transportation and Social Distancing explain the Different “waves” of A-H1N1PDM cases Observed in Mexico during 2009.” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. Vol 8, Num. 1, pp. 21-50 January 2011. doi:10.3934/mbe.2011.8.21