Portal Terms and Conditions of Use
The following terms and conditions govern the use of this website of the Student Success Prediction System Project, hereinafter “Portal”, and any of the content available through or through it, including any derived content. The University of Puerto Rico and El Colegio Universitario de Cayey have made the content available here for use by their academic and administrative processes of the Institution. The public information that is presented through this Portal can be used only as a reference. Any other use that is desired must be made with the explicit consent of the University of Puerto Rico and the directors of the Student Success Prediction System Project. Under no circumstances is information containing identifiable data exposed. If any identifiable information of the public content is detected by mistake, whether directly or indirectly derived from the data, it is required that the University of Puerto Rico be notified so that this can be corrected immediately. The information presented here is the property of the University of Puerto Rico, including codes, data, graphics and materials thereof, the design and organization of the Website and the compilation of the contents, including but not limited to any copyright. , trademark rights, patent rights, database rights, moral rights, and other intellectual properties. The use of the Portal does not grant ownership of any of the content, codes, data, graphics or materials that can be accessed in or through it. Any distribution, publication or personal, commercial or promotional exploitation of the Portal, or of any of the content, codes, data, graphics or materials on the Portal, is strictly prohibited, unless prior express permission has been received, in writing. , of the authorized personnel of the University of Puerto Rico.
It is recognized and accepted that the portal does not grant any guarantee of any nature, whether explicit or implicit, on the data, content, information, graphics and services that are incorporated and offered from the Portal. Except for the cases that the Law expressly imposes otherwise, and exclusively to the extent and extent that it imposes, the University of Puerto Rico does not guarantee or assume any responsibility regarding possible damages caused by the use and improper use of the information, data, graphics and services of the Portal. BY USING THE PORTAL, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS REGARDING ITS USE. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, you must desist from accessing the Portal and not access or use the data and results presented here.