Information on the Student Success Prediction System


Escudo Cayey

Currently, universities face great challenges caused by sociodemographic and economic changes. The fiscal situation of the country and the changes promoted by the government, the decrease of the budget and the increase of the university tuition force us to look for creative solutions to be able to provide tools to tools so that they can successfully complete their university career.

Aware of the importance of offering high quality educational services in times of crisis, the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey through its Title V proposal: “Increasing Special Needs Student Enrollment, Academic Success and Retention by Improving the Institutional Academic Support Services and Delivery of On-line Courses ”proposes the development and implementation of a data collection and analysis system that incorporates statistical models aimed at identifying students with possible academic problems.

This system that we have called: Data Analysis Model for Student Success promotes the development of a technological infrastructure and support services that is sustained over time and contributes to improving student retention in the university. This platform includes weighted analyzes related to demographic changes and their effect on the reduction in student enrollment, the budgetary limitations faced by the UPR system and its impact on student retention require important changes in the allocation and distribution of resources.

The Data Analysis Model for Student Success proposes that the technological tools available to the University be used and those necessary to facilitate the use of statistical data analysis for the effective organization of these limited resources to ensure academic success be developed. of student. To achieve an initiative of this level, we develop collaboration agreements with the following offices at the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey: Interdisciplinary Center for Student Development, Student Support Center, Financial Assistance, Registry, among others. This system will allow the development of a real-time alert automation process and at the same time provides guidance on the administrative processes that will be carried out so that the student can achieve their graduation goals.

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